Attribution Models

Which marketing efforts drive the most value for your SaaS business? Ryan Draving, Head of Strategy at The Moving Company, shares the common attribution models for determining which interactions a customer has with your business before converting.

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Hey there. It's Ryan Draving, and today we're talking attribution models. Are you tired of trying to figure out which marketing efforts are driving the most value for your SaaS business? Look no further, because today we're going to dig into it. Attribution models are used to determine which touch points or interactions a customer has with your business before converting.

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This helps you to understand the customer journey and attribute value to the appropriate marketing efforts. There are several types of attribution models to choose from, including last touch, first touch, linear, time decay, and position based. Last touch attribution gives all the credit to the final interaction before the conversion, while the first touch attribution gives all the credit to the very first interaction.

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Linear attribution evenly distributes credit across all touch points. And decay attribution gives more credit to touch points that are closer in time to the conversion. Position based attribution gives a majority of the credit to the first and last touch points with a smaller percentage of credit distributed to the interactions in between. Well, which one is right for your business?

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There are even more than I talked about here, but which one is right for your business? It really depends on your specific goals and customer journey. That's why I work with my clients to select a model that works for their unique business and customer journey and then put it into action. So don't let attribution be a headache any longer.

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Use these models to your advantage and start optimizing your marketing efforts today. I'm Ryan Draving and I look forward to seeing you next time here on my bike.


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