Part 1: Creating a B2B Marketing Strategy - 3 Focus Areas

If you're a B2B company struggling to kickstart your marketing strategy, you're not alone. But fear not, because in this episode of our podcast, Ryan Draving shares his expert insights on how to get started. He breaks down three key areas that you should focus on to create the most effective strategy for your business. By the end of this episode, you'll have a clear understanding of the essential components needed to take your B2B marketing efforts to the next level.

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Are you a B2B company struggling to create a marketing strategy that is both effective and efficient? Don't worry, because it doesn't have to be complicated. Marketing strategy is all about confirming your direction, and there are three main areas that you should focus on. Firstly, define your target market. Who exactly are you selling to? Your marketing efforts should be laser focused on this group and everything that doesn't speak to them should be eliminated.

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Specify the industry or industries you sell to, the geographies you operate in, and the kinds of companies you sell to, and the individuals by role, responsibility and needs that are on the buying committee. Next, figure out your positioning. Identify how you want to be differentiated from your competitors and make all your marketing line up to that position. Are you the premium offering, the low cost player or the service oriented company?

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Lastly, determine your messaging. What are the statements or phrases that will capture your target markets attention and illustrate your company’s ability to solve their problems? Your messaging is the medium through which you'll convey your position to your target market. Creating a strategic marketing plan doesn't require a cumbersome process, navel gazing, or reinventing the wheel. It's all about capturing what's already in the heads of your executives and team, distilling and refining that knowledge, and doing some external research if necessary.

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The toughest aspect of strategy is saying no to some lesser options that don't serve your goals. Remember, B2B companies with strong articulated messages that resonate with their target customers are always more effective in generating sales. Focus on these three areas to create a marketing strategy that works for your company and your sales team.


Part 2: Creating a B2B Marketing Strategy - 3 Cs of Marketing


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